Monday, March 7, 2011

Authentic Hokkaido Pills

I bought mine online. I'm 68 kilos right now. I'm taking 2 pills a day. Let's see.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What do I want to do with my life

 Boredom of life, I googled "what do I want", for no apparent reason I chose the second result on SERP. I got this article from Life with Confidence 

 In this article, it says you need to answer these questions below in order to help you identify what do you want to do with your life. I'm kinda allergic in "self help" items but this time, I can't help it. LOL
1. What did you dream of becoming when you were a child?

2. Where do you spend your free time?

3. Listen to your inner self. What does it really wish it could be doing?

4. What activity do you do that makes you feel happy and when you do it, the time just flies by?

5. What activities, events, shows, books are you attracted to?

6. Resolve your past issues. Your past does not have to decide your future. If you let your past go and any limitations you’ve placed upon yourself, what would you be doing?

7. What would success mean to you? What would the perfect life be?

8. What would you do if you had the Universal Credit Card (money is no object)?

At this moment, I can't answer any of those questions above. Try to answer them yourselves, and you realize that you can't answer them easily as the way you first look at it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Resolution: Weight Loss

I read this on Facebook status of my friend. I bet, there are millions out there with the same New Year's Resolution as this - "Eat Less and be Fit"

The question is, Are you one of us? :D

Yeah right. It's also part of my new year's resolution. So what's my plan? Here it is...

1. No more:
  • Chips (Junk Foods)
  • French Fries and Burger
  • Softdrinks
 2. Eat Less (about everything-haha!):
  • Rice
  • Ice cream
  • Cake
  • Pizza T^T
3. (Must) Start eating raw veggies like carrot and celery >_<

4. Drink lots of water

5. Exercise:
  • walking
  • swimming
  • Biking
6. Learn how to skate (roller blades)

7. Learn how to do belly dancing

8. Probably do yoga

Maaaaan... This is easy to plan but very HARD to implement. This will also take a big slice off of my budget - Sacrifice! My first project is to buy a good bike. But good bikes are so effing expensive. I'll just go with Japanese surplus bike. Then roller blades. Then dancing lessons. Then this all just talks. Let's see what happens this next few days... jane!